
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Going Crazy

1. Laundry - it might be good to do that.
2. Inspiration can be found in the weirdest places.
3. Sometimes staring at the ceiling is a good thing.
4. Be a bit crazy.

Megan and I have a saying: "Let's do it." whenever a crazy idea comes up. I don't particularly know how it started, but I do know we say it quite often. We now have started a list of crazy and not-so-crazy things to try. The list now includes things like getting a tattoo, dying our hair random colors, chasing squirrels for an afternoon, and moving to New York and becoming starving artists. Most of the things on our list are random and don't really make sense. But maybe the list isn't an that crazy or ridiculous idea. Maybe we all should have a list of crazy things to do.

We all have some sort of bucket list. I know for me I have shortened my Bucket List because most of the things on it were unattainable. My dream list became my realistic list. So what's the point of having a 'Bucket List' if nothing on it is slightly ridiculous? Why have I taken out the dreaming in my life? I think it is because I am afraid of failure (to an extent). I don't want to disappoint myself nor do I want others to think I didn't do what I set out to do.

But that's not true. No one will think I failed if I didn't become a Broadway star. No one will think my life was pointless because I didn't publish a book. Nor should I think my life is a failure just because I didn't do those things. My life is anything but a failure. Maybe I won't see the effects of my actions, but the ripples will be seen for quite some time. But I also don't want to settle for being boring. I want to be the big dreamer who everyone thinks is a bit off-kilter. I want to look at my Bucket List and think, "Hey. Let's do it!"with no expectation I will finish or succeed. The point of a Bucket List is to put a bit of spice into life.

And life is about living in the moment, enjoying it, and making a difference. So, let's do it. Let's live.



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