
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Beanie Snatcher!

Last day of orientation and here is what I have learned so far today:

1. Again, always remember there is a ceiling only four inches from your face.
2. Beware of beanie snatchers.
3. Remain calm.

My beanie chilling on my closet door so I don't forget it!
For those who don't know Concordia's tradition, all freshmen are required to wear a beanie during orientation (see above). And students from MSUM, our rival, steal these precious beanies from us helpless freshmen.

Today is the last day of orientation and those Dragons are at it today. It is currently around 5:30 and my beanie has not been stolen (as you can see by my picture). But I have also discovered something.

Remain calm and life will be just a bit better. Stuff happens, but if you panic you will not get where you want to be. Sure, one can mourn the loss of the beanie, but it can be replaced. This doesn't just apply to beanie snatchers, but pretty much to everything in life.

So, funky weird things happen. You can be sad, a bit angry, frustrated, but just don't panic. Just look on the bright side of things: you now have a story to tell and people probably are interested to hear about it.



PS I get to meet the president of the college in about an hour. Not only do I get to meet him and his wife, I get ice cream that I hear is quite good. :)

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