
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Laughing and Tackling

1. might help.
2. Don't be afraid to be yourself, but try not to tackle people while doing so.
3. Enjoy laughter.
4. You will find some darn amazing friends.

So, over a week since orientation finished. Classes started and I added a ton of stuff to my calendar. I auditioned for a play, but didn't make the cut. Suddenly feeling not so confident about my major, which I am slightly frustrated about, but I'm ok with. And I think I finally found my studying groove.

Mostly, the past week has been full of laughter. There has been so much laughter I think I lost a few pounds from doing so. I have become closer to the people in my orientation group, my roommate, and I found someone amazing on my floor, who in turn has introduced me to someone I am very intrigue by.

Throughout high school, and especially in my senior year, all I wanted was a friend. A friend who I could trust and simply be myself with. High school didn't provide me with that. I have no idea why. It could have been I had previously been friends with everyone and there was no one left to 'try out'. It could have been I was too shy and awkward to find a friend. It also could have been everyone just wanted out of high school so no one tried. It could have been various different things, but either way, all I wanted was a friend who was my 'other half'. 

I am not quite sure I found that person yet, but I do know I found someone who I can simply be myself with. Someone who laughs at the same things and someone who is still slightly different from me, so that I can learn and grow. Whenever we are together, I can't help but laugh and be myself. I can't help but talk. For those who didn't know me before college, I was painfully shy. Angry at being so. Frustrated with how people treated me (or didn't).

I don't believe college was the reason I suddenly changed. I was this person all along. I just didn't show her sometimes. Now I am her all the time, which is amazing. I am now running down the hallway and full-on tackling someone I sort of just met. (I truly didn't mean to. It just happened.)

I am full of laughter and I love it. I met someone who I can be myself and I also met someone who I very very very curious about. She isn't someone I have figure out, but someone who I truly want to get to know more.

And it just isn't her I want to know. It is everyone I have met. I feel surrounded by people I want to learn from and laugh with.

I love my life.


-Nicole Rae

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