
Monday, September 19, 2011

Yay Adventure!

1. Buy some milk if you run out. But if you forget to get some, go have a wonderful breakfast with a friend.
2. Pink hair rules.
3. Sending random letters to people is exciting...especially if you get one in return.
4. College is quite the adventure.

"Ugh" became my mantra over the weekend. I didn't want to get up, I didn't want to babysit, I didn't want to leave my home on Sunday when I went home for a bit, and I didn't want to do homework. "Ugh" definitely became my saying this weekend and it bugged the crap out of me that it did.

I have always considered myself to be an optimist. I like to see the brighter side of things, but something got to me this weekend. It seems the honeymoon stage of college has passed; now its the real deal. I have said that before, but now it has truly hit home.

I could let the daily routine and same-ness get to me but, as it was pointed out to me a while ago, college is an adventure. (Yay adventure!) I have a whole new world to explore. Isn't that what we want when we are younger? To have some place to ourselves to explore? We are out of our parents' house, we have new friends, a new living space, a new...everything to explore. Why am I complaining? Plus, I chose to go to this college, so why shouldn't I enjoy it?

College is an adventure. It might be utterly terrifying (which it is), but mostly it is exciting.

Go explore!



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