
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Celebrate Love

1. Sleeping until 12:30pm when you're sick is the way to go.
2. Make sure emails warning your professors that you are going to be missing class are sent out before you fall asleep.
3. Conversation hearts really aren't that good.
4. Celebrate love.

Happy Valentine's day. I've been home all day in bed, quite ill. I slept from about 11:30pm until about 12:30pm. I feel much better now, although my stomach doesn't like me (but that's probably because I just ate a ton of chocolate). My nose is still stuffed up and I'm a bit sore, but other than that and my stomach, I'm just fine.

Eating yet another piece of candy.
I'm sad I missed today; Valentine's day is one of my favorite holidays. I love how much candy one is allowed to eat (any holiday involving candy eating is on my favorite list) and I love how much pink and red I'm allowed to wear. I love getting cards from someone I never expected to - like my aunt or my grandpa or a friend I haven't talked to in a while. Valentine's day has never been a day to dread. For me, Valentine's day is a day to celebrate love. And not just romantic love - all kinds of love. Love for a friend, a sibling, a parent, a roommate, anyone.

Although today is a day to celebrate love, I have always wondered why we don't celebrate it all the time. Love is the driving force for so many things (or at least, it should be) - why not celebrate that all the time? So let this day teach you something: first, Valentine's day isn't such a terrible thing if you focus on all love, not just being single or taken; second, celebrate love all the time.

It's so worth it.



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