
Friday, August 31, 2012

Try, just a little.

1. Smile. It makes life a little better.
2. Take notes. You never know when the cute guy next to you will need to copy them. ;D
3. Do NOT get overwhelmed.

So, hi. :)

Today I started my first actual day of college. YAY! My only class today was my inquiry class, which is about gender & sexuality roles in ancient Rome and Greece. I'm extremely excited for this class!

As we were going through the syllabus, which describe the 12 page paper I will be required to write, I started to get REALLY stressed out. I honestly have no idea how I am going to read 70 pages for class twice a week, let alone a 12 page research paper.

And then I realized: I CAN do it. I AM capable of way more than I let myself believe. Sure, 12 pages seems like a lot when in high school my largest paper was only 7 pages, and the teachers practically held my hand through it. I know it is going to be really hard, but I KNOW I can do it.

Getting overwhelmed isn't going to get me anywhere. At all. Just gotta smile, breathe & put in my best effort. And I cannot wait to see where that brings me in life! :)

(: Katie

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