
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Breaking Points & Super Powers

I'm sensing a theme in my life lately. If my life was a book, the reader would almost scoff at how obvious this recurring theme is. This theme is busyness. My schedule yet again looks like a kid playing with colored blocks. I thought I could handle it; five classes, two jobs, a play, two radio shows, and growing relationships. After a pretty lazy month, I was glad to be busy again.

I went to the first few days of class last week, excited for everything. But, my hours for both of my jobs started to increase and a few classes (if not all) proved to be much more difficult than I had planned on. "Oh well," I thought, "I can so handle this. I've done it before; I just need to get into a routine." After three days, though, I finally admitted to myself what I should have known all along: I am not Superwoman. However much I would like to think so, I have breaking points. Sometimes the most awesome thing ever may not be the best thing for me. Maybe that 400-level course isn't such a great idea this semester; maybe working 20 hours - even if I do finish by 5pm each day - will push me beyond my limits. I have a breaking point; I should acknowledge it and do this to avoid getting to that point.

I have a theme in my life, yes. But the conflict and resolution of such a theme may not always have to be the same. The conflict doesn't have to be a full out war against myself; it can instead be me against the forces of evil in the world. Maybe in that sense, I'm Superwoman, but I think I'll try to stay away from thinking I have super powers. 'Cause last time I checked, I can't walk through doors or fly across campus.



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