
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Friendship is Magic?

1. Emergency rooms are better with friends
2. "Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one simply remembers to turn on the light" - Albus Dumbledore
3. As My Little Pony would have it, friendship is, indeed, magic.

 Hey! It's Malyn again. This week has been quite eventful and interesting....

It all started with an emergency room visit. On Tuesday, my roommate broke her rib during taikwondo practice - it hurt that night, but worsened even more the next evening to a really bad and scary level. So  my friend and I drove her to the ER. 

Now, I haven't had many good experiences with hospitals - most times I've been to one, it's because someone's dying or going into major scary surgery. So I was pretty freaked roommate and best friend was in terrible pain and we were in a hospital. But then something wonderful happened: In an attempt to keep her mind off the pain, we began talking, which led to laughing and joking. And suddenly the whole situation was a lot less frightening (update: she's doing okay - it was broken but not too badly, and they gave her Valium pills). Friendship took away the fear, and I also realized that they would have done the same thing for me if I had broken my rib, which was a beautiful feeling. 

And then last night I played Apples to Apples with several friends that I hadn't seen in way too long - It was as hilarious as ever. I am so blessed with all of this friend-love and support. 

Thank you everyone for making Concordia home for me!

Have a lovely, healthy, and happy week!


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