
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Letting Go

1. Picking up an instrument and actually remembering how to play it is glorious.
2. It's okay to wake up at 4:30 am as long as you go back to sleep.
3. Hugs.
4. Labels are for soup cans.

Megan here, hope you're having a good Wednesday.

Well, I think National Coming Out Day ended up being a little more intense than we thought it was going to be, so I'll try to bring down the energy a bit.

To get straight to the point, letting go is hard. Letting go of anything is hard, whether that's the past, a dream, a friend, a pet. It is incredibly difficult. See, holding onto something creates a sense of security--it's a thing, a place, a state of mind that feels familiar, even if it isn't the greatest place to be, and holding on and being in that comfort zone lets you continue to sort of... operate within that mindset and not move past whatever it is you're holding on to. I guess it gives one a reason to be angry, or be cynical, or sit and dwell--but even if it isn't the best thing to do, it still has a bearing on your personality and it does/did have an effect on who you are. I know for me, it's also a huge wealth of fodder for creativity, and I like having not only an outlet, but power behind that outlet.

Having something that keeps sticking with you or baggage you can't seem to get rid of can be tedious in so many ways. It's a pain, but realizing when and why you need to get past something is a huge step forward. It also takes sacrifice. Not only do you have to let go of what you need to let go of, but you also have to let go of what that allowed you to do and who it allowed you to be. I told myself not too long ago that I would never write again if I could magically get rid of all my baggage and forget some things ever happened. Then the realistic part of me took over, and yes I do still write things. Fortunately, letting go of something also lets you get rid of the negative effects and exist as a better, more balanced person.

It's okay to let things go. It's okay to lighten the load and move on--heck yeah it's scary, but think of it as an adventure. Some of the best adventures are a little scary at times. Enjoy it. Leave more comments. Nicole wants feedback. So do I.


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