
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hold on Tight

1. Doctor Who is weird.
2. Drink lots of water.
3. There's a light up ahead.
4. The rungs on loft ladders are slippery.

Megan here, happy Wednesday!

Today has the potential to be the most stressful day of my collegiate career thus far, complete with a blood donation, paper due, a meeting, and a group project. In short, I am hoping to crawl back to my room around 10 pm with one less pint of blood in me to start my homework for the night. It will be a marathon of a day.

It's a little bit funny, I always wake up in my loft and perform some tricky maneuver to get down that involves hanging on to weird handholds while finding the metal rungs, and the entire time I silently pretend to be some sort of spiderwoman. Why? Well because sometimes you slip off the rungs and if you're holding on tight you can calmly maintain control and touch down on tile as if you didn't just have a miniature heart attack. I don't really think anyone said that college would be easy. If they did, they lied. The only thing I can do today is hunker down, hold on for dear life, and give the appearance that it was all a planned stunt. It will end up all right. This too shall pass.

It makes me think though... I always pass off my tendency to worry as just a part of my personality. You know, a character flaw? But... what if it isn't? What if the tendency to worry is just another conditioned response to stimuli? I think it would be pretty cool if I could just retrain myself to take it all in stride like SOME people seem to be able to. (*cough* *cough* Nicole) I wonder if it would simply be a matter of retraining the brain to not associate "busy" with "stressful." Whatever the case may be, it's an interesting thought to ponder.

Well dear reader, it's time I get ready and go stuff myself full of protein laden eggs and cottage cheese. Take good care of yourselves. Take good care of each other.


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