
Sunday, October 2, 2011


1. Lazy Sunday afternoons are fantastic.
2. Nutella is delicious.
3. The History Channel is quite bizarre, especially the show Ancient Aliens.
4. The concept of home can change.

It's been four weeks. Four weeks since I started classes and nearly five weeks since I moved into my dorm.

When I graduated high school, I didn't cry nor did I rejoice. I wasn't particularly sad to be leaving my high school years behind, nor was I too ecstatic to be leaving. It just felt right to be done with high school. And it felt right to be moving to the next stage of my life: college.

I had split feelings about moving to college. On one hand, I was thrilled over the idea I would have my own place and I could choose what I wanted to study. But on the other, I loved my house. I loved my room and how it got a ton of light in the morning. I loved my kitchen and I loved having a bathroom to myself. But I guess, more than anything, I loved the concept of home. Being able to come to a place of comfort after a long day of classes, work, and practice and just relax. Seeing a very familiar face and know that they will care for you and love you no matter what. I didn't want to leave that behind when I went to college.

But, after five weeks of being here, I have discovered home is transferrable. My dorm has now become a place of comfort. My friends have become my family - the people I want to see and talk to after a long day. Every good feeling I had about my house I now feel about college. This is home. And I'm happy.

Though I could do with a more comfortable bed.


-Nicole Kippen

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