
Monday, October 10, 2011

A Question

1. Striking a set for a play is fun... especially if you get to kick things down.
2. Rainy days are not always bad.
3. Some songs need to be listened to over and over again.
4. Ask questions. It's ok.

My theatre professor is obsessed with questions. He constantly tells us to ask questions, even if it seems irrelevant. I partially believe he just wants more opportunities to tell his crazy stories, but I also believe he has a valid point. Life is a bunch of questions. And don't we want to live life?

I used to be terrified to ask questions when I was with peers. I never wanted to seem dumb or naive. So, I tended to keep my questions to myself. I also never really asked questions when I was with adults. Sure, in class, I asked questions, but in conversation with adults I never really wanted to ask anything, again because of the fear I would be viewed as dumb.

I've noticed when I encounter someone who always asks questions at the appropriate times, I tend to view them as intelligent and curious, which is very different from how I think people view me when I ask questions. Just a thought.

When we are younger, we ask a ton of questions. Everything is a mystery and everything is new; we want and need to explore everything, so we ask questions. What happens that causes us to stop asking questions when we grow up? I think fears get in the way. I was reading a book for my writing class and the author, Chuck Klosterman, stated, "The more we know, the less we are able to feel." It seems when we are younger, we feel the world. We don't learn it, we simply feel it. Life wasn't about facts; it was about how we related to everything around us. We felt everything.

Why can't we go back to feeling the world? If life is questions and we want to live, then living is questioning. We won't grow unless we learn and feel the world around us. And what better way to grow and feel than to ask questions?

Don't be afraid to just ask. You may find the response interesting.



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