
Friday, August 31, 2012

Try, just a little.

1. Smile. It makes life a little better.
2. Take notes. You never know when the cute guy next to you will need to copy them. ;D
3. Do NOT get overwhelmed.

So, hi. :)

Today I started my first actual day of college. YAY! My only class today was my inquiry class, which is about gender & sexuality roles in ancient Rome and Greece. I'm extremely excited for this class!

As we were going through the syllabus, which describe the 12 page paper I will be required to write, I started to get REALLY stressed out. I honestly have no idea how I am going to read 70 pages for class twice a week, let alone a 12 page research paper.

And then I realized: I CAN do it. I AM capable of way more than I let myself believe. Sure, 12 pages seems like a lot when in high school my largest paper was only 7 pages, and the teachers practically held my hand through it. I know it is going to be really hard, but I KNOW I can do it.

Getting overwhelmed isn't going to get me anywhere. At all. Just gotta smile, breathe & put in my best effort. And I cannot wait to see where that brings me in life! :)

(: Katie

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

Don't Judge a Roommate by Their Facebook

1. Breaking mirrors is not fun, especially when it keeps cutting you.
2. Don't set yourself up for failure.
3. Keep an open mind, especially about roommates.

So, hi!

For you readers who haven't taken the wonderful adventure of reading about us writers, I'm a new freshman! YAY! I moved into my dorm yesterday at 8am, and seriously love it.

Now, moving into a dorm- for those of you haven't done it- can be super scary. I've alwasy been an only child and often have had a TON of space to myself (I had my whole basement the last three years); so moving into a small room that I have to share with a complete stranger scared me.

I found out who my roommate was in July, and, as everyone does, I totally creeped on her facebook. Instantly I judged her based solely on what her profile picture looked like. In my mind, I had already figured we wouldn't get along. So, yesterday morning as I was moving in- even though I was extremely excited- I was super scared that I wouldn't get along with my roommate.

Now, I know that even if we don't become the best of friends, I need to keep an open mind about at least living with her and definitely give her the chance the she deserves; which also happens to be the same chance she is giving me. Fair enough, right?

But, there is good news: WE ACTUALLY GET ALONG! :) crazy, right?

Don't judge a book by its cover!

-Katie! :)

We Now Have a Vlog!

Check it out! It is going to be an epic, awesome, fantastic year.

Let the adventure begin.