
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Give A Little

Today, the strangest thing happened to me. I was out shopping and was waiting in line to purchase a few things and the cashier asked the lady in front of me if she would like to donate one dollar to St. Jude's Children's Hospital; the lady said no. At first, I just thought maybe she couldn't afford a dollar... But then I noticed her designer purse, and clothes an caught myself judging her.

The holidays have officially begun and honestly it is the time of giving. Sure, I disagree with this lady's actions. But, I also think every one should give what they can.

Giving also includes thanks. Be thankful for what you have. There are so many people in this world that don't have the luxuries we have. The fact that I am in college whilst knowing that kids in parts of the world can't even go to elementary school.

This holiday season I have only one simple request: Love with the gifts God gave you. Love everyone. Give everything you can. Be love.

Be love.

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