
Monday, November 19, 2012

I'm thankful for my mom.

"When I stopped seeing my mother with the eyes of a child, I saw the woman who helped me give birth to myself." -Nancy Friday

Megan here. I'm sorry I haven't been the best at keeping on schedule.

I can't wait to get home for Thanksgiving. For the first time, I'm really starting to miss my family.  This whole college thing is quite effective at making me forget or look past all the little trivial things that annoy me and long for everything else, all the love and positive regard. Absence makes the heart so much fonder.

I have always, always, always been a Daddy's girl, but lately I just miss my mom. Recent events have brought us closer together in that we have reached a better understanding of one another through the things we cannot tolerate. It is not so much we've found a common enemy, but we have found similar causes we are equally passionate about, and now we can mutually listen to each other's frustrations and see parts of ourselves in the dialogue.

My mom is the strongest woman I know. I am so glad and so proud to say everything I know about being my own person I've learned from her.  I inherited much of her appearance, but I also inherited her passion and her spirit--while our stubbornness has led us to butt heads many times, I wouldn't trade that quality for anything.  I am proud of her for following and continuing to follow what is in her heart, despite the difficulties brought about by those choices. 

She is, and always will be, my role-model and the example I look to when doing what I know to be right isn't the easiest course of action. I cannot wait to see her, hug her, listen to her vent about a number of frustrations, and spend Thanksgiving together.

Peace and be well.  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.


1 comment:

  1. Missed you yesterday! When I first saw Clair walk in the house, I thought she was you! When I told her this, she said, "Is it because my hair is so long?" LOL. Have a good week and a safe trip home!
