
Saturday, November 17, 2012


1. On any given night, 760 people in the Fargo-Moorhead area are homeless.
2. Of these, about 17% are under age 18
3. And of everyone total, 41% are employed, 15% full time.
 (numbers are from the 2009 Wilder Study)

Hey everyone! This is Malyn, and I hope you've had a fabulous week.

Lately I've been having the appetite of a 12 year old boy - pizza cravings at midnight, all that. And when these happen, I have the tendency to tell my roommates that I'm STARVINGGGGGG. But am I, am I really? Nope. Not even close. I typically have had a full three meals, and even then on some nights I can afford to indulge my cravings by ordering breadsticks.

It's just made me think. I am so privileged - we all are. I've never known true hunger, and while I know that's not true for everyone that I know or even everyone at Concordia, it's likely that most of you reading this haven't either.

According to, "One in every ten Minnesotans doesn’t know where his or her next meal is coming from. Of those ten, four are children." That's a lot of people right there. And if you're perhaps 
thinking, as many Americans do, that they must just be lazy, let me tell you: There are working poor, who have full time jobs and still can't make ends meet due to lack of a living wage, there are people with disabilities, there are people who've been left bankrupt by medical bills. Hunger and homelessness have myriad faces.

So let's cease judging, see how crazy ridiculously privileged we are, and work to help others :)

Have a marvelous and awesome week!


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