
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Photo Prompt - A Sacred Place

Hey hey; Katie here!

Today I'm trying something new: a photo prompt.


Sacred place: somewhere that at any time, you can go there to think, rest, relax. Somewhere that nothing can hurt you, or where you can let all your pain come out. Your sacred place is anything that you want it to be.

The last few days/weeks I have been extremely overwhelmed with all the changes finally sinking in. Its finally coming to my attention that college is my permanent place for the next four years (well, except summers..). Its so strange to think about how much is changing, and maybe I wasn't as ready as I thought. I am blessed to have amazing friends and family that have been my cheerleaders the past weeks without even knowing it.

Automatically, when I think of my sacred place I think of my church. I have been at the same church for 18 and a half years, so its definitely become a second home for me. But, then I thought about it some more and I happen to have many sacred places. My bed, when I need rest or comfort; Starbucks, when I just need a little boost; and almost anywhere I'm with my family. Knowing that I have so many places/people to fall back on makes everything in life a little better. Baby steps, right?

Have a happy Thursday & rest of your week!

xx Katie


  1. :) That just made me think - my favorite "sacred spaces" on campus are the meditation chapel (by the Parke SLC) and Prexy's pond. So quiet and peaceful.

    1. Prexy's is pretty awesome! But now its just so cold :(
