
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Leap of Faith

1. Jumping off telephone poles is actually kinda fun.
2. Know your limits.
3. Remember that there are always people who support you.

Hey! This is Malyn, and I’m super excited that this is my first post!

Last weekend I went with the Campus Ministry Commission to do a high ropes course, as a team building exercise.  Now, you may be thinking that sounds like fun, but I went to one back in seventh grade - with the entire class. At that time I was not only afraid of heights but had terrible balance, and it was the most humiliating and embarrassing thing I’d ever done.

So when I heard that CMC would be going to do high ropes, I was naturally a bit terrified.

But I went anyway, and realized that because I was with an entirely supportive and nonjudgmental group, it was so much easier.  They realized that I wasn’t weak or dumb, and that I simply had different strengths.  When I was unable to continue at one point, they accepted it – and so did I.  In seventh grade, I had forced myself to do parts of the course that I knew were terrifying for me, and that led to an emotional breakdown 30 feet off the ground.  This time, I knew my limits and that some things just weren’t meant to be.

At the end, we climbed up a telephone pole – and jumped off.  It was a beautiful moment for me, knowing that I COULD do what I thought I couldn’t, and knowing that everyone below was as happy for me as I was.

This year, as I dive into the political world (my major!) I will remember that it’s okay to not always be on top of things, and that sometimes all there is to do is take a giant leap of faith – literal or metaphorical.

Peace, and have a fabulous week!


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