
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Releasing my Inner Child

1. Cut people some slack.  No one's perfect.
2. Keep some hummus around.
3. Some people don't like hugs, and that's okay.
4. It's okay to sleep with a teddy bear.

It's Megan.  Hope your week is going smoothly. At least it's almost the weekend right?

Woah.  I turn 20 in less than three months and I am TOTALLY freaking out about it.  It isn't so much added responsibility or massive lifestyle change as it is the number itself. 20.  That zero and absence of a one in the ten's place is just way too freaky.  At least agree with me that it's a really intimidating number.

I feel like a little kid again, just because I feel like I've regressed to a much younger state of mind.  College changes you to be more mature, but also more immature--not in bad ways, but just ways that remind you of when you were a little kid.

For example:
I get really excited over mac and cheese, french toast sticks, and hot cocoa.
I go nuts for candy and cartoons.
Hugs make everything better.
I lapse into random goofy spells
I slept with a teddy bear.

You don't understand!  I slept with a teddy bear over break, not because I had to or because one was just there, but because I wanted to and it made me feel better.  I never slept with stuffed animals when I was a child, not because I didn't have any, but because I just didn't like to sleep with them.  I really didn't see the appeal at all.  In my defense, I slept with my dog a lot--but that's more like a living stuffed animal that gets really warm, starts panting, and then moves to another corner of the bed because she wants nothing to do with you...  I'm just surprised at how comforting a teddy bear can be, even at my age.

I don't know if this whole regression thing is a product of college or not, but I don't see it as bad, things like being goofy don't hurt anyone or anything. If anything, I'm staying young at heart right?  We all adore elderly folks who know how to have a good time or who can understand the mindset of a child and so maybe that's what I'm doing.  Heck, I hope I'm still breaking into random accents when I'm 85.  I will embarrass my grandkids SO much!

This year has allowed me to grow leaps and bounds as a person, both through personal insights and education.  I think it's okay for me (and all of us) to be able to laugh and access our inner children as well.

Peace, love, hugs, and high fives


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