
Monday, January 23, 2012

At Least I'm Breathing

1. You can never have too much tea.
2. Remember important meetings.
3. Don't scare someone awake - it's not nice.
4. At least you're still breathing.

Today was a struggle. I woke up at 7:15, ended up hitting my snooze and waking up later than wanted. I ran a few errands during the afternoon, but in order to do so, I needed a car...which was covered in 3 inches of snow. I didn't have a brush to get the snow off - I was intending on getting one while I was running errands - so I ended up covered in snow, sopping wet. The roads were quite slippery, which made for a terrible and terrifying driving experience. I nearly locked myself out of my car and I forgot my debit card in my car while I was shopping and didn't realize it until I was checking out. I also forgot I had a meeting for one of my plays I'm in and it lasted longer than I wanted it to.

It's been a rough day. Plus I keep on running into things and in the past few hours, I've slowly started to feel overwhelmed. I am in two plays, trying to get a job (which I need to volunteer for a bit before I'm hired), and oh, I am still a student.

But at least I'm still breathing.

I stopped at home for about an hour and a half today just to relax and drop a few things off. I forgot something in my car and I told myself, "Gah! Everything is going wrong!" But as I was running to my car, I started to list off everything that went right. I woke up - that's a miracle. I had food to eat and I got two meals before 10:30am. I was able to spend a few hours at home. And the best of all - I'm breathing. I am able to fill my lungs with air and feel myself living for just a moment.

After such a rough day, I can't help but laugh at myself. I have so much to be thankful for, even if nothing seems to be going right. So when you're having a rough day, just remember everything that went right.

And at least you're still breathing.

Megan's note to me and someone drew an illustration of it.



1 comment:

  1. THE ILLUSTRATION :) and we should meditate soon :)
