
Monday, September 12, 2011

Megan Goes On A Rant

1. Don't spill ice cream on self.
2. Dresses on a windy day can be a bad thing.
3. Mondays are awful...and so are allergies.
4. It's possible to make libraries fun.

Ok, my name is Megan, and Nicole asked me to write tonight's blog entry, so I am.  I apologize in advance.

Um, I'm going to talk about... meeting new people.  You should do it, and do it often--because college can be an extremely lonely experience, even when you're immersed in an extremely busy environment such as a college campus.  I myself am about 3 hours away from home, and I guess I can't speak for Nicole, but the last few weeks for me have been a roller coaster--in good ways, in good ways!  Relax, I won't freak you out about college.  I promise!

All I'm saying is that you ought to make a conscious effort to go out and meet new people, no matter how scary or how far out of the comfort zone that may feel.   Everyone needs family, and when you're far from home and stranded in the middle of nowhere without a car (like me!) you need a family aaaaand in college... your friends will be your family.  You might think I'm a bit off my rocker when I say that, but think about it--you eat your meals together, you study together, you see a lot of each other in general.  You seek each other out for advice and comfort, and you have the awesome ability to crash in each other's dorm rooms when you're too scared to walk back to your own (like me again!) You also, unfortunately, get to see one another go through really times and get very, very stressed out.

Friends make the scary parts of college a lot less intimidating, so go make friends! Be open to new people and new experiences and your college education will be filled with much more than just how to write a research paper, Spanish language tenses, Psychological stage theories, and Greek philosophy.

I know I gave that little rant from the perspective of a college student, but everything I've said holds true for  any stage of life, especially high school.  Yes.  Go meet people.  Go have fun.  Go take a night and stay up really late and talk and laugh and solve the world's problems.  Go affect someone else in a positive way and let them positively affect you.

Ok,  I'm done.  Take care and all my love!


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